
Editorial standards & policy at Autism Horizon

Parenting an autistic child is a serious responsibility for you as a parent and for us as an informational autism website. We strive to earn the trust of our audience by committing to writing in a fair and transparent manner. Here are our editorial standards, which all of our writers pledge to follow.

We have a responsibility to our readers

In our reporting, we aim to discern the truth, verify its accuracy, and write objectively and without bias.

  • Although we strive to get it right the first time, our Corrections Protocol will always be followed if a mistake occurs.
  • Whenever we obtain information from others, we will always cite them as the source.
  • When reviewing a product (such as a toy or device), our writers may accept temporary use of that product to write the review. The review of the product will not be affected by the loan.
  • Journalists must disclose conflicts of interest (including financial and personal) to their editor-in-chief. If a conflict can’t be avoided, we’ll disclose it at the bottom of the story.
  • Every article will be written by a real, identifiable, person. We will not produce AI-written articles or use bots or fake accounts.
  • Every article’s purpose is to inform, explain, and analyze. We will not produce opinion pieces, arguments, or clickbait.
  • Article content is regularly updated to ensure that it is still accurate. Every article indicates when it was last updated. Old articles may also be removed or redirected to more appropriate ones.

Contact the editorial team

For questions or concerns, please contact our editorial team at editor@autismhorizon.com